2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
January 11, 2005 - Introduced by Senators Kanavas, Brown, Kedzie and Kapanke,
cosponsored by Representatives Underheim, Suder, Gundrum, Kerkman,
Jeskewitz, LeMahieu, Stone, Gunderson, Albers, Nass, Lothian, Ott
Shilling. Referred to Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security, Military
Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform.
SB4,1,3 1An Act to amend 59.10 (3) (c) (title) and 62.08 (4); and to create 59.10 (3) (cm)
2and 62.08 (4m) of the statutes; relating to: the size of the county board of
3supervisors in certain counties and the common council in certain cities.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law requires each county board to redistrict its supervisory districts
once every ten years based on the results of the decennial federal census, except that
in counties having a population of 500,000 or more (currently only Milwaukee
County) the board may, after enactment of a decennial redistricting plan, redistrict
to reduce the size of the board not more than once prior to November 15, 2010.
This bill permits the board of supervisors of any county with a population of less
than 500,000, except a county having only one town (currently, all counties except
Milwaukee and Menominee) to decrease the number of supervisors on the board and
adopt a new redistricting plan during the ten-year period between the adoption of
decennial redistricting plans. The bill requires the redistricting plan to satisfy
certain criteria that also apply to decennial redistricting plans. For example, the bill
requires the districts created under the redistricting plan to be substantially equal
in population and in as compact a form as possible, and requires each district to
contain whole contiguous municipalities or contiguous parts of the same
municipality. The bill further requires the districts to consist of contiguous whole
wards in existence at the time at which the redistricting plan is adopted and requires
the original numbers of the districts in their geographic outlines, to the extent
possible, to be retained.

The bill also permits the electors of any county whose board is permitted to
enact an intradecade redistricting plan to require the enactment of such a plan by
petition and referendum at any time after the first election is held following
enactment of a decennial redistricting plan. Before circulating a petition, the
petitioner must register with the county clerk. Each signature on a petition must be
obtained within the 60-day period following registration. A petition must be signed
by a number of electors of the county equal to at least 25 percent of the total votes
cast for the office of supervisor at the most recent supervisory election. If a valid
petition is filed, a referendum must be held at the next regularly scheduled election
in the county that follows by at least 42 days the date on which the county clerk
determines that a sufficient petition has been filed. The question must specify the
proposed number of members of the board. The bill also provides that within 14 days
after the last day for filing of an original petition one or more alternative petitions
may be filed specifying a different number of supervisors to be elected. In this case,
the electors may first choose whether to support decreasing the size of the board and,
if so, whether to support the proposed size of the board specified in one of the
petitions. If the first question is approved, the size of the board must then conform
to the choice winning a plurality of the votes cast. If a question is approved, the
county board must enact an ordinance prescribing revised boundaries for the
supervisory districts in the county in accordance with the approved question at the
referendum. The districts are subject to the same requirements that apply to
districts created by the board in an intradecade plan enacted by the board.
Under the bill, if a plan is enacted by the county board without a referendum,
the plan takes effect on November 15 following its enactment and first applies at the
next election immediately preceding the expiration of terms of office of supervisors
in the county. If a plan is enacted pursuant to a referendum, the county board has
until November 15 following the date of the referendum, or if the referendum is held
at a November general election, until the second November 15 following the date of
the referendum to enact a plan. The plan then applies to the election of supervisors
at the next election following that November 15 immediately preceding the
expiration of terms of office of supervisors in the county. The bill permits the number
of supervisors in a county to be decreased by petition and referendum only one time
after each federal decennial census.
The bill also provides that, if in a city that is solely contained within one county
the aldermanic districts are coterminous with supervisory districts, the common
council may revise the boundaries of aldermanic districts to maintain coterminous
boundaries between aldermanic and supervisory districts, and may change the
expiration date of the terms of any council member to an earlier date than the date
provided under the current ordinance if required to implement the redistricting or
to maintain staggered terms.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB4, s. 1
1Section 1. 59.10 (3) (c) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB4,3,22 59.10 (3) (c) (title) Changes during decade ; municipal boundary adjustments.
SB4, s. 2 3Section 2. 59.10 (3) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB4,3,224 59.10 (3) (cm) Changes during decade; reduction in size. 1. `Number of
5supervisors; redistricting.' The board may decrease the number of supervisors after
6the enactment of a supervisory district plan under par. (b). In that case, the board
7shall redistrict, readjust, and change the boundaries of supervisory districts, so that
8the number of districts equals the number of supervisors, the districts are
9substantially equal in population according to the most recent countywide federal
10census, the districts are in as compact a form as possible, and the districts consist of
11contiguous whole wards in existence at the time at which the redistricting plan is
12adopted. In the redistricting plan, the board shall adhere to the requirements under
13par. (b) 2. and 3. with regard to contiguity and shall, to the extent possible, place
14whole contiguous municipalities or contiguous parts of the same municipality within
15the same district. In redistricting under this subdivision, the original numbers of the
16districts in their geographic outlines, to the extent possible, shall be retained. No
17plan may be enacted under this subdivision during review of the sufficiency of a
18petition filed under subd. 2. nor after a referendum is scheduled on such a petition.
19However, if the electors of the county reject a change in the number of supervisory
20districts under subd. 2., the board may then take action under this subdivision. The
21county clerk shall file a certified copy of any redistricting plan enacted under this
22subdivision with the secretary of state.
SB4,5,1823 2. `Petition and referendum.' The electors of a county may, by petition and
24referendum, decrease the number of supervisors at any time after the first election
25is held following enactment of a decennial supervisory district plan under par. (b).

1A petition for a change in the number of supervisors may be filed with the county
2clerk. Prior to circulating a petition to decrease the number of supervisors in any
3county, a petitioner shall register with the county clerk, giving the petitioner's name
4and address and indicating the petitioner's intent to file such a petition. No
5signature on a petition is valid unless the signature is obtained within the 60-day
6period following such registration. The petition shall specify the proposed number
7of supervisors to be elected. Within 14 days after the last day for filing an original
8petition, any other petitioner may file an alternative petition with the county clerk
9proposing a different number of supervisors to be elected, and, if the petition is valid,
10the alternative proposed in the petition shall be submitted for approval at the same
11referendum. An alternative petition is subject to the same registration and
12signature requirements as an original petition. Each petition shall be in the form
13specified in s. 8.40 and shall contain a number of signatures of electors of the county
14equal to at least 25 percent of the total votes cast in the county for the office of
15supervisor at the most recent spring election preceding the date of filing. The county
16clerk shall promptly determine the sufficiency of a petition filed under this
17subdivision. Upon determination that a petition is sufficient, or if one or more valid
18alternative petitions are filed, upon determination that the petitions are sufficient,
19the county clerk shall call a referendum concurrently with the next spring or general
20election in the county that is held not earlier than 42 days after the determination
21is made. The question proposed at the referendum shall be: "Shall the board of
22supervisors of .... County be decreased from .... members to .... members?". If one or
23more alternative valid petitions are filed within 14 days after the last day that an
24original petition may be filed, the question relating to the number of supervisors
25shall appear separately. The first question shall be: "Shall the size of the county

1board of supervisors of .... County be decreased from its current membership of ....
2members?". Any subsequent question shall be: "If so, shall the size of the board be
3decreased to .... members?". Each elector may vote in the affirmative or negative on
4the first question and may then vote in the affirmative on one of the remaining
5questions. If the first question is not approved by a majority of the electors voting
6on the question, any subsequent question is of no effect. If the question is approved
7by a majority of the electors voting on the question, or, if more than one question is
8submitted, if the first question is approved by a majority of the electors voting on the
9question, the board shall enact an ordinance prescribing revised boundaries for the
10supervisory districts in the county. The ordinance shall be enacted in accordance
11with the approved question or, if more than one question is submitted, in accordance
12with the choice receiving a plurality of the votes cast. The districts are subject to the
13same requirements that apply to districts in any plan enacted by the board under
14subd. 1. The county clerk shall file a certified copy of any redistricting plan enacted
15under this subdivision with the secretary of state. If the number of supervisors in
16a county is decreased by petition under this subdivision, no further petition may be
17filed under this subdivision in that county until after enactment of the next decennial
18supervisory district plan by the board under par. (b).
SB4,6,1519 3. `Election; term.' Any redistricting plan enacted under subd. 1. takes effect
20on November 15 following its enactment and first applies to the election of
21supervisors at the next spring election following the effective date that immediately
22precedes the expiration of the terms of office of supervisors in the county. Any
23reduction in the number of supervisory districts under subd. 2. that is approved at
24a spring election shall be enacted in the form of a redistricting plan no later than
25November 15 following that election and shall first apply to the election of

1supervisors at the next spring election immediately preceding the expiration of the
2terms of office of supervisors in the county, and any reduction in the number of
3supervisory districts under subd. 2. that is approved at a general election shall be
4enacted in the form of a redistricting plan no later than the 2nd succeeding November
515 following that election and shall first apply to the election of supervisors at the
6next spring election following that November 15 immediately preceding the
7expiration of the terms of office of supervisors in the county. If a question is approved
8at a referendum held under subd. 2., no subsequent plan under subd. 1. may take
9effect before 2 years have elapsed after the first spring election at which supervisors
10are elected pursuant to the plan. Any redistricting plan enacted under subd. 1. or
112. shall remain in effect until the effective date of a subsequent redistricting plan
12enacted under subd. 1. or until the effective date of a redistricting plan subsequently
13enacted under par. (b). Supervisors elected from the districts created under subd. 1.
14or 2. shall serve for 2-year terms and shall take office on the 3rd Tuesday in April
15following their election.
SB4, s. 3 16Section 3. 62.08 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB4,7,217 62.08 (4) The common council of any city may, by a two-thirds vote of all its
18members but not more frequently than once in 2 years, increase or decrease the
19number of aldermanic districts or the number of members of the city council, and in
20that case shall redistrict, readjust and change the boundaries of aldermanic districts,
21so that they are as nearly equal in population according to the most recent city-wide
22federal census as practicable by combining contiguous whole wards. In redistricting
23such cities the original numbers of the aldermanic districts in their geographic
24outlines shall as far as possible be retained, and the aldermanic districts so created
25and those the boundaries of which are changed shall be in as compact form as

1possible. This subsection does not apply to changes in aldermanic districts
2authorized under sub. (4m).
SB4, s. 4 3Section 4. 62.08 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB4,7,144 62.08 (4m) If in a city that is solely contained within one county the aldermanic
5districts are coterminous with the supervisory districts of the county and the county
6board decreases the number of supervisors in the county after enactment of a
7decennial redistricting plan under s. 59.10 (3) (cm), the common council of the city
8may, by a majority vote of the council, no later than November 15 immediately
9preceding the expiration of the terms of office of members of the council, decrease the
10number of aldermanic districts and the corresponding number of members of the
11council in the city to maintain coterminous boundaries between the aldermanic and
12supervisory districts and may change the expiration date of the term of any council
13member to an earlier date than the date provided under the current ordinance if
14required to implement the redistricting or to maintain classes of members.
SB4,7,1515 (End)